Monday, June 29, 2009

How to: Slice and Dice Onion

This is the first of several posts on specific techniques you will encounter while cooking.

For the time being, there are no photos, because I did not think to take some when I did this for the Capsicum Chicken.


1) Cut off both ends of the onion to remove the stem and root connections.
2) Set the onion on end on one of the flats you just cut, then cut it in half. It is much easier to peel it when it's been cut.
3) Peel off the skin and the outer layer; discard them.

Now here's where the techniques diverge slightly.


1) Put the onion down on the big side you just cut.
2) Make very thin slices, working horizontally across the long edge you made.
3) Break apart the nested layers. Ta da! Perfect slices.


1) Put the onion on the side you just cut
2) Cut the onion almost to the edge vertically, as if you were cutting a cake into layers.
3) Turn it upwards so that the cuts you just made are horizontal and on top. Cut again almost to the edge cross to the former cuts.
4) Set the onion on its large face and cut as if slicing. The pieces should form neat little near-cubes.

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